Welcome to bunny proof

Practical advice on how to adapt your home to prevent damage from chewing and other rabbity behavior. Tips on litter training and the best enrichment toys to keep your bunny occupied.

We share the best advice from experienced bunny parents who have learned how to bunny proof their homes and create a safe environment. The expert knowledge included here comes from the contributions of 50,000 members of our bunny-proofing Facebook group, who have shared their solutions over the last 10 years.

Don’t wait until you're faced with an expensive repair bill or a trip to the vet. Learn how to bunny-proof your home now so you can relax without worry.

Also see

How to Bunny Proof Your Home and Stop Chewing Damage

bunny chewed carpet corner caramel
Mr. Cuddles from the Bunny proofing Facebook group
It went from this to destroy every single edge of my daughter's room

In these guides, we show you how to bunny-proof each and every part of your home to ensure you don’t overlook any important areas.

Our Complete Guide to Litter Training Your Bunny

homemade bunny hay feeder
Bugsy from the Bunny proofing Facebook group
After some trial and error I think I got a good set up. I made my own hay hopper to avoid messes

Maintaining good litter training is essential if you live with a house rabbit. Even if your bunny is already trained, it doesn’t take much for accidents to happen. In the following guides, we address potential issues and provide strategies to help you keep your bunny’s litter training on track.

If you need to litter train your bunny then follow this practical guide and learn how to litter train your bunny successfully.

If you need to litter train your bunny then follow this practical guide and learn how to litter train your bunny successfully.

Get tips on relocating your bunny’s litter tray without disrupting their training.

It can be incredibly frustrating if your bunny pees on your carpet, bed, or couch. Follow these guides to learn what experienced bunny parents do to prevent this issue.

Our Complete Guide to Training Your Bunny

bunny stop chewing water mister
Ozric from the Bunny proofing Facebook group
No means, maybe?

Bunnies can be mischievous, often chewing on carpets, baseboards, and wallpaper. Since it’s impossible to bunny-proof your entire home, we show you how to use training and gentle discipline to minimize destruction while guiding them toward acceptable alternatives.

In this guide, we will help you understand the appropriate level of discipline that avoids causing your bunny stress. We understand that maintaining their trust is essential to enable you to redirect them toward acceptable alternatives.

Bunnies can learn a small vocabulary of words, such as “No!” Here’s how to teach them a few simple commands.

Indoor enclosures

winters pet pen bunny enclosure
Winter from the Bunny proofing Facebook group
I use a waterproof splat mat because she doesn't use the litter box 100%

It’s important to have an enclosure in your home where your bunny can be safe while you’re at work, asleep, or when they are unsupervised. In these guides, we show you how to build an enclosure commonly used by many bunny owners, where the best place to put it is, and what to include.

Follow this simple guide to set up a safe, easy-to-maintain indoor bunny pen that has everything your bunny needs.

This guide will help you create an indoor bunny pen that’s safe and equipped with essential items for your bunny.

Choosing the right flooring is crucial. It should protect your carpet or wooden floors below, be chew-proof, and easy to clean. This guide reviews popular flooring choices and discusses their pros and cons.

If you’re looking for ideas for your bunny enclosure, check out our walkthroughs of several different setups for inspiration.


bunny shredded paper digging box

We understand how important it is for your rabbit’s health and happiness to have plenty of toys to keep them entertained and distract them from unwanted behaviors. To help you choose the best chew toys, we have reviewed popular options like willow chew balls, grassy mats, and cardboard castles.

You don’t need to spend a lot of money to keep your bunny happy. There are many toys you can make yourself for free. Here at Bunny-Proof HQ, we have been testing these toys to see how easy they are to make, how much mess they make and how much our rabbits like them.

Traveling with your bunny

Taking your bunny out of your home can be daunting but is often necessary. In these guides, we show you how to do it successfully.

Initially, the idea of taking your bunny on vacation may seem strange, but it can be quite easy when you know how. In this guide, we explain what you need to do to stay in a hotel or with family.

Sometimes, you'll need to travel by car with your bunny for longer trips than just the short journey to the vet. In this guide, we outline what you need to do to make the trip successful.