Best Chew Toys for Rabbits of 2025

Are you looking for a new chew toy to stop your rabbit getting bored?

To help you choose the best chew toy we have reviewed the most popular types of Willow chew balls, Grassy mats, and Cardboard castles.

Our reviews show you the best and worst points of each type of chew toy.

We tested each chew toy with our rabbits to share their reactions and rated them for Value for money, Mess, and Noise nuisance.

We also explain what chew toys are best to help control unwanted chewing of carpets and baseboards.

As well as which chew toys are best for your rabbit's teeth and tunnies.

Don't waste money on a chew toy that your rabbit my find boring. Take a look at our round-up below so you can choose the best chew toy for your rabbit.

Also see
1 Woven chew balls for rabbits
willow grassy ball bunny toy

Fun: Irrisistable!

Value for money: Great value

Mess: A bit untidy

Noise: quiet


These are a very popular toy that your rabbit will enjoy tossing about and they make a great chew toy as well

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2 Cardboard rabbit house
cardboard castle bunny toy


Value for money: Affordable


Noise: Annoying


If you had to choose a chew toy that will keep your bunny occupied the longest, then a cardboard castle has to be the winner.

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3 Grassy mat rabbit toy
grassy chew mat bunny toy

Fun: Very exciting

Value for money:

Mess: Compleat destuction



Bunnies love munching these simple chew toys and they are cheap enough to use to cover an area of floor to provide some comfort and a snack.

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1 Woven chew balls for rabbits

willow grassy ball bunny toy

Bunnies love gnawing on things especially if they can toss them about which twiggy or woven balls are perfect for.

They can be made of Willow, Wicker, Rattan, and Grassy woven materials. They are good for providing your rabbit with some dietary fiber. They will also help wear down your rabbit teeth which grow constantly throughout their lives.

You will often find chew balls in multi-packs which include a variety of shapes and materials that are the best value for money. Multi-packs are also good because you can swap them out to stop your rabbit from getting bored and overlooking them.

They also come in a variety of different shapes and sizes. Often the more detailed they are the more expensive they get however, intricate shapes don't seem to matter to bunnies that much.

Make sure you choose ones that are safe for your rabbit to eat. Avoid home decoration products as they may look the same but can be treated with varnishes or chemicals.

Our review of the Woven chew balls for rabbits

Our bunnies love the chunky willow ball. We also discovered we prefer the twiggy variety as opposed to the grassy types as they make less mess as they eventually fall apart.

We tend to bring these out when we are playing with our bunnies, and then we hide them away. This makes them last a bit longer as it turns out our bunnies can eat most of one in a single go if left unattended.

How a Woven chew balls for rabbits can help you bunny proof your home

By giving your rabbit lots of fun things to eat you can distract them from chewing your furniture legs, wallpaper, baseboards, and carpet.

Leave these toys out where you find damage occurring as an acceptable alternative that will help stop costly damage to your home.

These are a very popular toy that your rabbit will enjoy tossing about and they make a great chew toy as well

Fun: Irrisistable!

Value for money: Great value

Mess: A bit untidy

Noise: quiet

2 Cardboard rabbit house

cardboard castle bunny toy

If you had to choose between all the chew toys here that will keep your bunny occupied, then a cardboard castle has to be the winner.

Your bunny can spend hours customizing it how they want by stripping ribbons of paper off it, chewing away at it to customize the entrances and even adding extra entrances.

The additional shelter it provides in a room will help your bunny feel more secure and give them a place to call their own in a room you share.

It's best to avoid products with print on them as eating the ink is not great and simple Cardboard castles are the best as your bunny will be more interested in a shape than its decoration it could be covered with.

Our review of the Cardboard rabbit house

We would not be without some sort of cardboard box for our bunnies to play in and they have often become so attached to the dens they have built over time that when they eventually fall apart, they have become quite upset

You can obviously use any box that is suitable, however we prefer these as we don't have to muck about removing tape or worry about where they have been stored and they obvious look a lot better.

We often combine these with other tunnel toys to make them even more fun especially if you through a few treats in as well.

Lastly it's worth noting that box munching can be noisy so you may want to keep this out of a bedroom, or you may be kept up all night.

How a Cardboard rabbit house can help you bunny proof your home

There are lots of ways a cardboard box can help with the bunny proofing you do around the home.

Rabbits love shredding and tearing things up with their teeth and a solid box will give than something to satisfy this need and hopefully distract them from seeking out wallpaper and soft coverings around your home.

It can also help satisfy your rabbits instinctive need to tailor their environment and can be a good way to stop your rabbit tugging up your carpet or chewing under your bed or behind your sofa.

It is also a simple defense against chewing and can simply be used as a way of protecting areas of your home that are a focus of this unwanted behavior by placing it in the way.

If you had to choose a chew toy that will keep your bunny occupied the longest, then a cardboard castle has to be the winner.


Value for money: Affordable


Noise: Annoying

3 Grassy mat rabbit toy

grassy chew mat bunny toy

Grass mats combine two of a rabbit's favorite things to do, sitting about and eating which is why this simple toy is such a favorite.

They can be made from a variety of edible materials such as sea grass or reed grass that is woven together to make a sheet big enough for your bunny to sit on.

They often come in multi packs of 5 or so mats so you can use them individually as a toy or as a lot of bunny moms have discovered you can also place a few of them side by side to make an extra comfortable bedding surface. They are cheap enough to be replaced when needed.

Be prepared to put up with quite a bit of mess though. They can spread bits of grass about and when they start to fall apart you may end up having to take them away as this can get very messy.

Our review of the Grassy mat rabbit toy

We did not know if our bunnies would like these at first, but they are extremely popular, so we tried them out, and they took to it right away.

It satisfied his urge to tug and chew the floor which is good because this helped distract him from chewing on our carpet, which was a bad habit he had developed.

We had to keep this toy in our rabbit's enclosure as it made a lot of mess, and we also used it as a base in a digging box which our bunny enjoyed very much which helped contain the mess.

For a simple toy these really do offer terrific value and are a permanent part of our setup.

How a Grassy mat rabbit toy can help you bunny proof your home

It is important for your rabbit's health and happiness that they get lots of things to chew.

They need a constant supply of fiber to help their digestion and grind down their teeth that can grow a few inches each year.

Many of the things around your home such as your base boards, carpet and wallpaper can substitute for the grass and woody material rabbit would naturally seek out.

This is why it's important to provide your bunny with lots of interesting things to chew before they end up being on the menu.

Bunnies love munching these simple chew toys and they are cheap enough to use to cover an area of floor to provide some comfort and a snack.

Fun: Very exciting

Value for money:

Mess: Compleat destuction


4 Willow bridge rabbit activity toy

willow bridge bunny toy

This wooden adventure toy is very versatile and can be used as a hideout, a chew toy and can also be very handy for bunny proofing around the home.

They are made from a series of thick wooden sticks that are joined together and can be bent into a variety of shapes of your choosing.

You can create an arch with them which can make a great hideout toy for your rabbit to play in. You can also, as the name suggests, use them to make a bridge. However, it is quite flexible so a larger rabbit may bend it out of shape.

They have a soft wooden bark that can be chewed, and your bunny will enjoy picking this out between the logs. Underneath the bark there is some tough wood that makes this toy resilient enough to be left out as a permanent shelter.

They come in a variety of sizes, but you will need a larger one if you want to turn it into a hideout.

We recommend choosing a natural looking Willow bridge with a bark as opposed to the more colorful stained varieties.

Our review of the Willow bridge rabbit activity toy

We have a few of these as we have found many uses for them as a toy and to help bunny proof our home. We found a clever way of setting them out is to bend them into a semi-circle and leave them on their side as our bunny likes tucking his rear end inside it for a snooze.

We have also found we can use them as a foraging toy by scattering some treats over it as these would fall into the ridges. Our bunnies enjoyed fishing the treats out and it made them last a lot longer.

How a Willow bridge rabbit activity toy can help you bunny proof your home

Sometimes bunny proofing parts of your home can simply mean protecting them from chewing damage and this toy is ideal for this. It's heavy enough to not get moved out of the way and flexible enough to fit it up against areas that need covering over.

You can wrap it around table and chair legs or lean it against baseboards to keep them out of reach. You can bend it around the corners of furniture to protect the soft wooden or material edges or lay it on carpet to stop it being tugged up.

It is tough enough to leave out all the time and can be packed away if you do not want the mess. Keeping a few of these handy can be ideal to make bunny proofing easy and avoid expletive repairs.

Great to use for lots of bunny proofing jobs like wrapping around furniture. We would not be without these toys as they are an essential part of our bunny proofing.

Fun: Enjoyable

Value for money: Affordable

Mess: No mess!

Noise: Silent

5 Grassy rabbit house

grassy hideaway bunny toy

Grass chew toys are a favorite for rabbit's and this one is big enough for your rabbit to sit inside.

Grass hideouts are made into a box shape so are a lot more stable than grassy tunnels a box.

They are made from natural edible grass such as Sea grass and come with an entrance up one end. These entrances are a bit small for a larger rabbit, but do not worry, part of the fun will be customizing the entrance, then the floor, then the walls till they are demolished.

They tend to be on the small side as they are also for gerbils and other small critter so make sure you check the measurements and get one that's suitable for your bunnies breed like a Large grassy hideout house

Our review of the Grassy rabbit house

We found our bunny was not that interested in going inside this toy but loved it as a giant chew toy.

We prefer to use a large cardboard box as a hide which can have an entrance and an escape hole that is big enough for our rabbit to lay out and turn around in. That said it did become a go to toy and a feature our rabbit would lay next to.

Like most grassy toys it generated some mess that spread about and once it started to break down it fall apart pretty quickly.

How a Grassy rabbit house can help you bunny proof your home

This toy combines chewing and exploring sheltered spaces which make it ideal if you are struggling to keep your bunny out from under your couch or from under your bed.

In fact, it's often sensible to block off these spaces which can make your rabbit environment a little boring so by satisfying there natural need to explore and seek out new sources of food with a toy like this you can make sure they stay healthy, happy, and out of harm's way.

Rabbits love grass chew toys and they this one is big enough for them to use as a hide out as well, perfect!

Fun: Very exciting

Value for money: A bit pricy

Mess: Compleat destuction


6 Willow stick rabbit chews

willow sticks bunny toy

It's important to your rabbit's health and wellbeing to have lots of soft fibrous material to chew on. This can also help distract them from chewing your base boards, carpet, and wallpaper.

There are many different types of willow or apple wood sticks available that you can buy from pet stores that your rabbit will enjoy munching or tossing about.

Starting by chewing the soft bark and eventually eating the soft wood inside.

They come in packs with multiple sticks inside or bundled in packs with a variety of other chew toys.

We recommend trying to find ones that are fresh looking, typically produced by a company that sells products with organic credentials as old sticks that have been stored for a long time will have dried out and lost some of their flavor.

Our review of the Willow stick rabbit chews

Our bunny did slowly work their way through these sticks, mostly chewing the soft material on the outside. They prefer the thinner sort however they mostly discarded them after a time, and they ended up lying about.

We found we could make them a bit more appealing by pushing them through the sides of a toilet roll tube. This made them a fun toy and helped keep them together off the floor where they tended to pick up dust.

How a Willow stick rabbit chews can help you bunny proof your home

If your rabbit has a habit of chewing the soft wooden materials in your home such as your base boards or wooden furniture, then providing them with interesting alternatives can be an effective way to distract them from this destructive behavior.

Although these toys are not the most interesting chew toys, they do come in packs so you can pull a few fresh sticks out each time which will draw your bunnies interest.

A simple way to give your bunny some fiber to chew on to help ware down their teeth.

Fun: A bit boring

Value for money: Great value


Noise: Silent

7 Woven twig tunnel for rabbits

wicker hideaway bunny toy

These attractive hideouts are not only great fun for your bunny to play in, and the soft twigs are also good for chewing so this toy is guaranteed to be a favorite.

They come in various materials like wicker and willow, and you can get a full tube or a half tube shape. We recommend the half tube as it will be a lot more stable as rabbits tend to crash around these toys.

We also recommend getting the largest size you can as this will be more comfortable if your bunny wants to use it as a shelter.

Make sure you buy a Twig tunnel made specifically for bunnies or other small animals, not a home decoration which often comes treated with varnish or flame-resistant chemicals.

Our review of the Woven twig tunnel for rabbits

This toy was a bit of a special treat as it's quite expensive. Our bunnies really loved it, so much so we had to put it away and bring it out when we could supervise them around it as they would have tried to eat in in one go if they could.

It did make quite a bit of a mess when it finally fell apart so it was a bit of a waste in the end.

How a Woven twig tunnel for rabbits can help you bunny proof your home

Chewing toys can help provide an alternative to the fiber your rabbit may be seeking out in your home by chewing your furniture, baseboards, and wallpaper.

This toy is ideal as it not only provides an acceptable alternative source of fiber that they will enjoy munching it will also give them a shelter to relax in or around which can help satisfy their instinctive need to tailor their environment by chewing.

A fun toy for your bunny to play in and chew. They can be expensive and if you bunny really like chewing it, do not expect it to last very long.

Fun: Very exciting

Value for money:



How we reviewed these rabbit chew toys

We know how important it is to your rabbit's health and happiness to have lots of toys to chew on.

Chew toys will stop your rabbits from getting bored, and act as a distraction from unwanted behavior such as chewing carpet, baseboards, and wallpaper.

They are also a source of fiber that can be good for your rabbit's tummies and help wear down their teeth.

We created this guide because we understand how hard it can be to choose the right type of chew toy. Every rabbit is different and there is a wide range of chew toys available that all have their merits.

We hope our guide will help you understand the positive and negative aspects of each type of chew toy. By taking into account how each chew toy will affect your rabbit's behavior, you will be able to make an informed decision.

We focus our reviews on the chew toys benefits to your rabbits health and happy

Chew toys have many benefits to your rabbit's health and this is at the center of our reviews. We consider what is best for providing fiber to help your rabbit's tummy and wear down their teeth.

We hope to show you the positive and negative behavior they could cause to your rabbit's behaviour when you introduce them.

We examine what each chew toy is made from and guide you on how good the materials are for your rabbit to digest.We also help you understand how quickly they can be consumed and whether this may be a problem. We would not review chew toys that are glued together or constructed from materials we consider harmful.

We show you the bunny proofing benefits of each rabbit chew toys and how these toys help stop destructive behavior

In this guide, we also show you the many ways each chew toy can be used to help you rabbit proof your home.

Some toys can be good at providing the digestive fiber you rabbit may be seeking out by chewing your baseboards, wallpaper and wooden furniture.

Other chew toys can be good at stopping your rabbit from tugging up your carpet.

Others can simply be used as a way of protecting areas of your home that are a focus of this unwanted behavior.

We match the rabbit proofing problem with the chew toy so you can make sure you are providing a safe and acceptable alternative. We hope to help you make the best choice that will satisfy your rabbit's instinctive needs and avoid expensive repairs to your home.

How we reviewed each rabbit chew toy

We have owned house rabbits for over 20 years and have tested out all of these gnaw chew toys to assess their performance over time.

We know every rabbit is different, so we have also gathered lots of advice from our rabbit proofing Facebook group which has over 50K members.

This has helped us to discover what toys seem to be a success and what toys have caused unexpected problems.

Our rabbit chew toy reviews are independent

We make these chew toy reviews because we want to help improve the lives of rabbits. We have no affiliations with any companies or organizations.

What is the best chew toy for my bunny?

Rabbit chew toys FAQ

Do rabbits need chewing toys?

It is important to provide your rabbits with lots of safe and acceptable chewing toys to satisfy their constant need to chew. Woven willow balls, cardboard castles and grassy mats will keep your rabbit healthy and happy and can help stop them chewing your baseboards, carpet, and wallpaper.

What is the best type of rabbit chew toy?

Rabbits are constantly looking for roughage to eat. Woven willow balls and grassy mats are great for providing digestive fiber and can help stop your rabbit eating your carpet, baseboards, and wallpaper. Cardboard castles and twig tunnels will satisfy their need to customize their surroundings.

Do I need to provide chew toys in my rabbit's nighttime pen?

Rabbits are natural foragers and are always on the lookout for something new and interesting to eat. It is important to provide your rabbit with lots of new and interesting chew toys such as woven willow balls, cardboard castles, and grassy mats to keep them occupied when you are away.

Can I give my rabbit chew toys made for cats?

You should not give cat toys to your rabbit. They can often contain glue or catnip and synthetic materials such as cloth or string which could make your rabbit unwell if they eat it. Only give your rabbit toys designed specifically for rabbits.

Can I give my rabbit chew toys made for dogs?

You should not give dog toys to your rabbit. They can often contain synthetic materials such as rubber, cloth or string which could make your rabbit unwell if they eat it. Only give your rabbit toys designed specifically for rabbits.

Can I give my rabbit chew toys made for babies?

You should not give baby teether to your rabbit. They can often contain synthetic materials such as rubber, cloth or string which could make your rabbit unwell if they eat it. Only give your rabbit toys designed specifically for rabbits.

What is the best material for a rabbit chew toy?

It is important to provide your rabbits with lots of safe and acceptable things to chew on or your baseboards, carpet and wallpaper could end up on the menu. Chew toys made from willow, rattan, carboard, apple wood, sea grass all make great chew toys.

How many chew toys should I give my rabbit?

Rabbits are always on the lookout for something new to eat. It is important to provide your rabbits with lots of new safe and acceptable chew toys or your baseboards, carpet and wallpaper could end up on the menu. Make sure you swap them out constantly to keep your rabbit interested.