What Types of Wood Can My Bunny Chew On?

bunny chewing twigs
Bear from the Bunny proofing Facebook group
Bear is not that interested in willow twigs, he much prefers eating our door frames. Om nom mon

It's important to provide your rabbit with a constant supply of fibrous material to chew on and wooden twigs and branches make a cheap and easily replenished sources of roughage you can give them. Chewing off the bark and even eating the soft wood inside helps wear down their teeth, that grow constantly throughout their life. Twigs and branches also provide them with roughage which is good for their digestion. It also helps keep them amused, out of trouble and away from your wooden furniture. But what types of wood can, and can't they eat?

Wood that rabbits can eat

Rabbits like to chew on the young shoots and buds of many young trees especially fruit trees, deciduous trees and bushes.

What other types of wood is safe for rabbits to eat

They can also be treated with anti-fungal chemicals and even fire prevention chemicals. Ply woods or Fiber boards should also be avoided often contain glues and anti-fungal chemicals which can cause harm if digested. It's always best to buy safe products from pet stores if you are not shore.

It's best to avoid any types of wood, Willow or Wicker that come from home decoration stores as this will typically be treated with chemical dies, paints and varnishes. We recommend only buying these from pet stores.

Chew toys that will keep your bunny healthy and happy

Good and bad places to find wood

If you are going to get some wood for your rabbit to chew on make sure you pick fresh living wood from the tree or bush in an area a away from any sources of pollution such as a road or built up areas of industry or housing and if it's from a park then pick an area away from where people walk their dogs.

Preparing the wood

Always make sure the wood it thoroughly cleaned and any loose materials such as moss or ivy is removed before you give it to you rabbit. Give the wood a good wash and let it try first.

It is best to break the twigs and sticks into smaller pieces. If the twigs are very thin it can be a great idea to push, then though a toilet roll tube to make them more interesting.

Types of wood that are OK

Rabbits naturally chew twigs and branches

rabbit eating willow tree

Rabbits naturally chewing the soft bark and even eat the wood of twigs and branches to helps wear down their teeth, that grow constantly throughout their life.

Twigs and branches also provide them with roughage which is good for their digestion.