It can be very upsetting to come home and discover your bunny has started chewing your wallpaper. If left this habit can do quite a bit of damage. So how do you let them know it is bad without causing stress and ending up with a grumpy bunny.
The answer is to use a combination of gentle discipline to set a firm boundary and provide lots of acceptable alternatives to keep them entertained.
The answer is to use a combination of gentle discipline and acceptable alternatives
In this guide we show you the best way to discipline your bunny, hopefully approaching it in a way kind enough that is doesn't cause stress.
We also have lots of ideas for toys that will keep your bunny busy and show you how to set them out to keep your bunny away from your wallpaper.
Follow our guide and learn how to encourage your bunny to stay away from your walls and wallpaper and still be their friend.
It's quite natural for your bunny to forage about for fibrous materials to chew however if they get a taste for your wallpaper, they can do a lot of damage over time. To help limit this make sure you bunny has lots of things to chew on as an alternative to keep them distracted.
It is best to provide lots of chew toys that can act as a tasty distraction. There are many chew toys that can be bought from pet stores. The favorites seem to be softer toys made from wicker, however, these may not last as long as a solid wooden toy. Wicker balls are good as there is the additional fun of rolling them around. Grass mats are also a favorite amongst bunny parents however they can be a bit messy when they fall apart.
Remember to keep a fresh supply on the go and to replace them frequently so they don't lose their appeal.
There are lots of things you can reuse around the home that make great bunny toys such as toilet roll tubes.
You can make these even more fun by stuffing them with some hay and other yummy treats and hanging them so your bunny will enjoy reaching up and tugging at them.
If your bunny loves shredding paper, then you can contain this behavior and mess and have a lot of fun by building a digging box.
It's just a large cardboard box filled with suitable material like paper and straw that your bunny will love.
Place it over the area where your bunny has been chewing your wallpaper and encourage them to play in the box instead. This will keep they away from the wall and with a few kind words and treats they will soon be distracted from the wallpaper.
it is possible to offer your bunny some gentle guidance to help control their unwanted behavior such as chewing your walls and wallpaper.
Firstly, it's important to understand that you should never be tempted to shout at or hit your bunny. They do not get this sort of punishment and the stress can make them timid, or even aggressive.
The best way to let your bunny know it's now allowed to do something is to say their name with a firm NO! Then move them over to something you do not mind them chewing and reassure them they are being good.
If this does not work a stronger deterrent can be to keep a water mister to hand and when you catch your bunny chewing or scratching spray a mist of cold water over them. Make sure it is clean and never squirt your bunny as the spray can hurt them if it hits them in the face.
Remember to only do this if you catch your bunny in the act or not only will you be wasting your time you bunny will not understand why they are being disciplined as they would have forgotten about it.
If this does not work you could always try using a water mister as a last resort to get the message across.