Bunnies, especially bored ones are always on the lookout for something fibrous to chew, it helps wear down her teeth and supplements their diet with fiber which they need to keep healthy.
Unfortunately, in your bunnies eyes wallpaper and even your walls look ideal for this and if they learn to strip off the paper and scrape away the plaster then in no time at all you can be looking at a significant amount of damage.
These natural urges if they start can be hard to stop no matter how many times you tell your bunny to stop. This is why the only real option is to bunny proof areas of your walls to stop your bunny chewing them.
In this guide we show you the many ways other bunny parents have gone about protecting their wallpaper.
We have some simple ideas like fence a wall off with some sections of pet pen or wire grids.
How to fix more permanent protection such as fitting corner guards
We also have a guide on how to fix more permanent protection such as fitting corner guards as well as examples of using clear acrylic.
We also show you the best ways to use bitter sprays and have a guide to the best test determinants.
Follow the guide here to learn how you can keep your wallpaper intact and be able to spend time with your bunny without the worry.
A cardboard box is probably the simplest way to block access to an area of a wall.
It's best to put something heavy in it to stop it being moved around as bunnies can be surprisingly strong when something is in their way.
A simple way to provide temporary protection is to keep a few ceramic tiles handy and lay them up against the walls in these areas.
These can then be packed away when not needed.
Or another great way to cover over an area that won't look as out of place is to use a common toy often called a willow bridge to lean up against the wall.
These toys made of a series of willow sticks linked together are heavy enough to not be moved about by a bunny
They will give them a tasty alternative to chew on that's hopefully tastier than another part of the wall that's unprotected.
A very common way to protect large areas of walls and wallpaper in your home is simply to fence them off with sections of pet pen.
You can break out sections of a pen to get the right sized fence.
If you want something a bit shorter you can also use sections of office storage cubes.
It is important for a rabbit's health to eat a wide range of fibrous materials. This is not only good for their digestion but also helps wear down their teeth which can grow up to 5 inches a year.
Wallpaper unfortunately is something you bunny may choose to eat as a part of its diet. Always provide lots of alternative chew toys and a stack of hay each day.
A permanent and neat looking solution to protecting your walls and wallpaper from your bunnies unwanted chewing and scratching is to mount some sheets of clear acrylic to them.
This can work well if you have built a large pen that uses a wall as a part of its perimeter.
This will require some DIY skills but will protect your walls from chewing, scratching and general mess that may spread about.
Bitter sprays can help make walls and wallpaper a lot less appealing for a bored bunny to chew on however, it is not likely to stop chewing damage completely on its own so should be used alongside other remedies.
Apply the treatment to areas that are being chewed and anywhere else you think could become a target. Remember to re apply it frequently to stop it wearing off.
Avoid homemade remedies such as perfume or chilly oil and instead use a recognized bitter spray which is designed for bunnies and remember to keep reapplying the bitter spray regularly so it doesn't lose its effectiveness.
If your bunny has started to nibble at the paper on the corner of your walls it is best to act quickly to stop this before it spreads across the wall or the plaster gets eaten. To do this it's best to protect your walls with something chew resistant.
Fortunately, a simple way to protect fragile edges is to use a cheap commercial product designed specifically to stop this type of damage.
You may have seen these L shaped lengths of tough plastic in public buildings and you can buy them in most DIY stores and fit them yourself.
They come in a variety of lengths however you only need to cover up to your bunnies reach so it's best to cut down to size. This can be done with a craft knife so no need for any DIY tools.
They can then be easily attached to the wall with some sticky pads or adhesive.
They also come in a variety of colors so you can match your wall or in clear so they can go over patterned wallpaper without standing out.