Help! How Do I Repair the Carpet My Bunny Has Chewed?

Don't panic, use our simple step by step guide to fix the damage from your bunny chewing and digging your carpet.

It's surprising how quickly chewing damage can spread if your bunny takes a liking to a spot of carpet to chew, especially if it happens unnoticed behind a sofa or under a bed. Do not panic there are ways to fix this and with a bit of knowledge you can restore the damage at no cost.

Follow these guides and see how you can easily repair small patches of nibbled carpet.

Or see how to swap out a section of carpet if the problem is bigger with a spare bit in a cupboard.

We have details on the tools and other stuff you need so you can do a proper repair job and restore the damage as good as new.

Also see

How do I repair my carpet where my rabbit has chewed it?

How to repair small patches of carpet your bunny has chewed

If it's a small patch of carpet, an inch or so across, a simple way to fix this is to take a pair of scissors and from around your carpet carefully cut out the odd strand at the base. Make sure you spread this out so it will go unnoticed. Next using some strong glue start to build the carpet back up by gluing the strands back in one at the base. With a bit of patience, you will soon build the pile up again.

bunny chewed carpet shame
Snowy from the Bunny proofing Facebook group

How do I repair bunny damage to my carpet?

How to repair a large patche of carpet damaged by your bunny chewing it

If it's a larger patch it would be best to replace the section with a new bit of carpet. Ideally you may have some spare carpet but if not, you may find that the same carpet has been used in a cupboard or under a piece of furniture and you can use this instead.

carpet repair tools

To make sure it fits perfectly take the replacement piece and check to see if there is a noticeable grain as you will need to line this up with the grain of the carpet.

Cut around the area you want to replace using a utility knife. Cutting through carpet can be tricky so you may need to score it a few times. If you can lift the edges up as you cut this will help avoid cutting into the carpet padding beneath. It's best to cut out an odd shape like a triangle as square shaped replacements tend to be more noticeable.

Cut a new piece of carpet the same shape. It can be helpful to make it slightly larger than the hole, if you have a limited amount of carpet, you can always trim it down a bit however a piece smaller than the hole will be noticeable.

Make sure any missing underlay has been glued back in first then apply adhesive to the back of the carpet and to the carpet edges that surround the hole you cut out.

Orientate the new piece of carpet so the grain runs in the same direction as the installed carpet, then press the patch firmly down.

When it is done you can ruffle the edges up a bit, so it blends in.

How to repair a patch of carpet that my bunny has distroyed