Living with a house bunny

How to Have a Hoppy Easter with Your Bunny

The normal environment at home can change during the Easter holidays with the putting up of decorations and it's likely your bunny will want to explore these new things, probably by nibbling them. Unfortunately, most Easter decorations are not made with house bunnies in mind, so it is important to add a little bit of bunny proofing to them.

Special attention needs to be given to snacks left out by guests

Many of the foods that we associate with Easter can also be harmful if your bunny eats them, special attention needs to be given to snacks left out by guests that are in reach. Sweets and chocolate that may be discarded by children could easily be stolen by your bunny.

Guests uninitiated to house bunnies may also arrive and is important to give them clear guidance as to how to share your home with your bunny, especially young children.

In this article we provide lots of ideas and advice collected from long-standing bunny owners. So, when Easter comes around you can be well prepared, you and your bunny can enjoy stress free and safe time with your family. Hopefully, you will spend less time shooing your bunny away from decorations.

Bunny proofing ornaments and other easter decorations


If your bunny starts taking an interest in your ornaments you will need to move these out of reach. They are often made of materials that can be easily ingested which can cause gastrointestinal problems.

It's best to move decorations and ornaments out of reach before your bunny takes an interest in them. Once their curiosity is sparked it is likely they will keep returning to an object no matter how many times you say NO! Many synthetic materials used in decorations can be easily chewed and ingested which can cause gastrointestinal problems. Even some of the more natural looking materials can be harmful as they can be treated with fire retardant materials. It is best to plan and set the decorations out on high shelves to ensure they are out of harm's way.


Please remember to keep candles out of reach, your bunny could either burn its whiskers off or worse burn itself if it hops or reaches over an exposed flame. Do not place candles on anything that can be knocked over or on something that can be tugged at by your bunny resulting in the candle toppling over. Be mindful of ornaments that you place candles in, as these can also get hot.

How do I bunny proof my Easter decorations?

Bunny safety rules for guests at Easter

Chocolate and sweets

chocolate easter bunny hutch It's important to keep chocolate out of reach of your bunny.

It's important to keep chocolate out of reach of your bunny. If your bunny only eats a small piece, then you could be lucky, and no harm may come of it. But if your bunny eats a large amount of chocolate, then this could be quite serious and result in an emergency visit to the vet. Sugary sweets are also no good for bunnies and if left out may cause harm, alongside this if the wrappers are eaten, they can cause issues.

Extra family in the home

A big change at Easter can be people visiting your home who may not be used to house bunnies. It may be best to ask guests to take their shoes off as they may not be used to how bunnies tend to get under food and can easily be stepped on. If you have children staying, encourage them not to race around. Also uninitiated guests may not be used to how good bunnies are at chewing things so it is important to give them somewhere to leave shoes, coats, or handbags where they cannot be reached. Be careful to keep an eye on laptop or phone charger leads that may appear.

Safety around kids

It's also worth re-enforcing to guests that may not be used to bunnies that it's unlikely that your bunny will want to play with them or their children. Help them understand bunnies are prey animals, which means they can be timid and skittish in some situations. Bunnies also have fragile bones and can be injured easily if handled improperly. It may be worth keeping your bunny out of sight. If this is not possible, introduce the bunny calmly and go through some simple rules at the start.

Simple rules for bunny safety around kids

Bunny safety rules for guests at Easter